Taking Care of The Environment... in Every Way We Can

A few days ago, somehow, all the stars in our galaxy were aligned (had time off in the afternoon, not feeling sleepy, had the car, kids were not around, had my running shoes...) and I decided to go to Macritchie Reservoir Park for a walk, since it's just a short drive from my place.

It was a nice day. Warm and sunny. Even the animals were out and about.

See the lizard? Look carefully.

It was a gorgeous day to be out in the park. Joggers were jogging, canoeists were canoeing, birds were... well, flying. It sure helps that the park was pretty well-maintained. Considering the size of the park, it must require a hefty effort to keep things clean and green.

But try as they might, most times, it just requires a few bad asses to destroy the peace.
I didn't have to look very hard to find the not-so-occasional litter lying in clear sight.

Glass bottles like this one seem harmless enough. It might collect water for breeding mosquitos, but certainly, mosquitos have no lack of breeding grounds in the forest.

It didn't take long to spot another one. A mineral water bottle, freshly abandoned.

And then more...
Plastic bags

Cigarette buds

Drink cans

And here's an interesting find...
Guess what??

Maybe it was used by monkeys? 😅

I wonder what's the fun in doing the deed in a tropical rainforest, feeding hordes of mosquitos at the same time. This couple certainly found it fun, enough to leave a mark of love, so that they might return to the same spot next time and remember the fond night where they smacked asses and mosquitos. Classy!

Seriously, at least clean up after yourselves. Wanna get wild in the wild? Be responsible to the environment too.

On my way back, I decided to clear up all these litter (no one else seemed like they were gonna do anything), which I did, all three plastic shopping bags full of it.

What's going on, Singapore? Whether you are a local or a foreigner, there's no excuse to dirty the environment, be it a park, a mall, a bus-stop. These are common areas, used by everyone. If everyone leaves a piece, there will soon be enough garbage to fill your house.

Please take care of the environment!! Despite all the laws against littering, all the education and warnings, there will always be those nuts who continue to offend. 
Then it's up to those who can step up and right the wrong. Anyone can do a part to help.


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